M.S. curriculum map for Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (total credits required: 24 credits)
Required Core Courses: 7 Credits |
n Public Health: Perspective and Prospect (2) n Principles of Epidemiology (2) n Applied Biostatistics (3) or Generalized Linear Models |
Concentration Required Courses: 4~10 Credits |
Epidemiology (4 Credits) |
Biostatistics and Data Science (4 Credits for Part-time Students) |
Preventive Medicine (10 Credits) |
n Special Topics in Epidemiology (2) n Case Study in Epidemiologic Research (1) n Study Design of Epidemiology (1) |
n Quantitative Science (2) (Required for part-time students) n Introduction to Public Health (2) or Public Health: Perspective and Prospect (2) (Required for part-time students)
n Introduction to Preventive Medicine (2) n Seminar on Practice of Preventive Medicine (2) n Practice in Preventive Medicine (2) n Seminar on Preventive Medicine Methods (2) n Thesis Writing on Preventive Medicine (2) |
Elective Courses: 7~20 Credits |
Epidemiology (13 Credits) |
Biostatistics and Data Science (20 Credits) |
Preventive Medicine (7 Credits) |
Epidemiology Students may take courses from the following fields according to their career plans: - Infectious diseases - Chronic disease - Quantitative methods, biostatistics and bioinformatics - Comprehensive Courses
Apart from the courses mentioned above, in-service master/PhD program students should select selective courses of at least 20 credits with one course from the epidemiology field. |
Students should select one advanced statistical course, including Survival analysis, Statistical Analysis for Repeated Measurements, Categorical Data Analysis, Secondary Health Data-Application and Practice, Structural Equation Modeling, or courses designated by their advisor.
Ph.D. curriculum map for Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (total credits required: 18 credits)
Required Core Courses: 4 Credits |
Epidemiology |
Biostatistics and Data Science |
Preventive Medicine |
n Public Health: Perspective and Prospect (2) n Advanced Methods in Epidemiology (2) |
n Public Health: Perspective and Prospect (2) n Choose one of them: Principles of Epidemiology (2) Advanced Methods in Epidemiology (2) |
n Public Health: Perspective and Prospect (2) n Choose one of them: Principles of Epidemiology (2) Advanced Methods in Epidemiology (2) |
Concentration Required Courses: 6~7 Credits |
Epidemiology (6 Credits) |
Biostatistics and Data Science (7 Credits) |
Preventive Medicine (6 Credits) |
n Review of Issues in Epidemiology (2) n Seminar on Epidemiology I (1) n Seminar on Epidemiology II (1) n Case Study in Epidemiologic Research I (1) n Case Study in Epidemiologic Research II (1) |
n Mathematical Statistics (3) n Seminar on Biomedical Statistics D1 (1) n Seminar on Biomedical Statistics D2 (1) n Seminar on Biomedical Statistics D3 (1) n Seminar on Biomedical Statistics D4 (1)
n Advanced Theory of Preventive Medicine (2) n Advanced Seminar of Preventive Medicine I (1) n Advanced Seminar of Preventive Medicine II (1) n Advanced Seminar of Preventive Medicine III (1) n Advanced Seminar of Preventive Medicine IV (1) |
Elective Courses: 7~8 Credits |
Epidemiology (8 Credits) |
Biostatistics and Data Science (7 Credits) |
Preventive Medicine (8 Credits) |
Students may take courses from the following fields according to their career plans: - Infectious diseases - Chronic disease - Quantitative methods, biostatistics and bioinformatics - Comprehensive Courses
Students should take at least two out of the following six courses, including Statistical Analysis of Genetic Data, Survival analysis, Statistical Analysis for Repeated Measurements, Advanced Statistical Methods for Lifetime Data and Longitudinal Data, Statistical and Machine Learning, and High-Dimensional Statistical Methods. Courses that one has claimed credit waivers and transference would not be included. |
Students should take courses in total of at least eight credits from the following three fields, including Infectious Diseases and Chronic Diseases, Quantitative methods, biostatistics and bioinformatics, and Health promotion, Health policies and community medicine. |